Variety have reported that the Mirage Group have now officially announced that they are making a new live-action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. The movie will be a reboot for the franchise, focusing on the origins of the turtles, and is currently set for release in 2011.
The film will steer away from CGI (unlike the awesome 2007 CGI-only animated film which my daughter and I loved) and will utilise "face replacement technology," which will allow the turtles to be much more expressive. It also seems that the clunky rubber suits from the previous live-action Turtles movies won't necessarily be coming back either so it'll be interesting to see how these new "Heroes in a half shell" look.
Being April the 23rd today it's actually the Turtles comics 25th anniversary... 25 YEARS!!! God I feel old. Oh how I loved the old Eastman and Laird comics and the original 80's cartoon back in the day! Still love them now I suppose! I can hear the theme tune now, still remember every word... how sad... ;)
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