Tuesday 9 March 2010

TRON LEGACY NEW TRAILER - This looks awesome!!

Now I'm not a massive fan of the original TRON movie....yes it's probably one of those films that sparked a thousand film makers which spawned hundreds of sci-fi movies, but I just see it as dated and unable to jump into a modern audience.............that and I was more of a LAST STARFIGHTER fan myself!!!

I guess it's the content of the movie which just doesn't hold up with a modern audience. You just can't take the computers seriously that are filling a filing cabinet sized case. The idea is solid, but has been done since, and with more relevance to modern society and trends.

However I AM looking forward to LEGACY as it looks wicked. Better graphics/animation, a modern spin on it, and some babes in tight clothing. It appears to be keeping touch with the original to keep the fans happy, but opening the doors to new ideas.

Check out trailer and be dazzled.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This looks like it is gonna be awesome. I saw the trailer when I took my kids to see Alice in WOnderland and it brought back memories of the original and the old video game. This I definitely must see....everything old is new again!