What? Where the hell did this come from and how did I not know about it?!!!
Somehow it seems that I've completely missed the news that a Stargate Atlantis movie is set for release in late 2009... The script is finished and the new movie will air on the Sci-Fi channel in the US before being released on DVD soon after.
Following on from the huge success's of the two SG-1 movies (with a third also in the works) the Atlantis movie will move the story along for the expedition now they've landed the Ancient base on Earth. Amanda Tapping is said to be joining the movie along with Christopher Heyerdahl playing Todd the Wraith. The film will also feature the new Wormhole Drive which is included in the new Stargate Universe series, so it looks like the Atlantis team have places to go and people to see yet again.
Being the HUGE Stargate fan that I am I can't wait for the new Atlantis and SG-1 movies to be released, and it's a great thing that the producers are able to keep the franchise alive in some way even when the series has been cancelled.
And here are two new images below from Stargate: Universe that have popped up online in the last couple of days. The series is set to air on the 2nd of October 2009. The creators of this latest Stargate series gave themselves one clear directive: ''Completely rethink everything,'' says exec producer Cooper. Out are the ''rubber-faced, alien, English-speaking bad guys''; in is a darker, sexier, more character-driven story about a group of civilians, scientists, and military personnel stranded via a Stargate on an ancient alien spaceship.

Posted 07/01/10 - OK guys, due to the huge amount of comments left after this blog entry and the amount of people that are still searching for information about "Extinction" it's now worth noting that this movie has been canned indefinitely. Yes I'm afraid you won't be seeing the return of Atlantis anytime soon and the much debated Stargate: Universe has been renewed for another full season (Yay from me and boo from almost everyone else!)
For more info and some reasons why this has happened go to the follow-on blog post HERE which gives you some answers to a few of your questions and comments.
Kryptonian Warrior
For more info and some reasons why this has happened go to the follow-on blog post HERE which gives you some answers to a few of your questions and comments.
Kryptonian Warrior
I can't wait for the Atlantis movie..
But the premise for the new series,, well,,
can anyone say 'Lost In Space' Or 'Star Trek Voyager'
For this to work it will have to be an amazing cast and brilliant scripts....
True, but then I never had a problem with Voyager or its premise. This is a totally different breed of series from the SG brand and it seems that they needed a huge dose of stress to work as the backbone to the story for this more adult outing. What's more stressfull than being lost and not being able to control your circumstances in a totally "alien" environment? SGU could be naff or it could be brilliant, for now I'm going with the latter! KW
hopefully it will be as good as the previous ones cannot wait !!
I like the darker theme, it kida seems like mixing Voyager, SG (all of them, and even some Farscape (people stuck together trying to survive, not all one group happy to be there). Now granted it could still suck, but they have some nice ideas mixing some other successful franchises. I also like the arc driven series, it makes needing to see an episode more compelling.
SGU is to SG1 as Star trek Voyager as Star trek NG.
I just miss SG1.
I liked SGA better than SG1 though
SG is the best science fiction I have ever seen on TV!I have enjoyed it so very much!Thank you for all the great entertainment!Good going guys!Always a SG fan! cant wait for SGU!No matter where it will lead!
I say to give SGU a chance. I didn't think I would like SGA at first.
I'm getting the distinct feeling that the new series is going to mimic the feel of Battlestar Gallactica... which I absolutely hated. It was a soap opera in space, devoid of any humor or fun in the scripts. I'll watch the first episode, but if it really does take itself too seriously like I expect it to, it'll be the last episode I watch.
Agree 100%
Anonymous said...
I'm getting the distinct feeling that the new series is going to mimic the feel of Battlestar Gallactica... which I absolutely hated. It was a soap opera in space, devoid of any humor or fun in the scripts. I'll watch the first episode, but if it really does take itself too seriously like I expect it to, it'll be the last episode I watch.
man i liked the sgu 1st episod, but too many commercials eli wasa good comic relief and props for adding shooter mcgavern to save the day! fav sga episode (are we reminiscing?) #43 "Irresistable"
not sold on it yet. after the 1st episode of Atlantis, i was ready for more. this as someone else said smacks of Battlestar Galactica. i still want the vitals of the idoits who cancelled SGA and would not let them do a decent final 2 hr episode. will have to see on SGU
To be honest i was very excited by SGU, but it does have Battlestar G written all over it and we all know how that went..BLAH! Another thing i think this is going to lack is a reocurring enemy to keep it interesting.
i really, really love atlantis. the premier was amazing! i mean, they make atlantis rise to the surface is totally awesome. after that i've been looking for more and more atlantis secret, reveal by the team there.
stargate universe: oh...where's all the techy-metcy things? other than the kino. that's all? and it end too soon, even the climax wasn't. is it just me, or the climax for that episode is when that senator kill himself? i can't really decide it, though.
anyway, i'm gonna keep my eyes open for atlantis movie; and give stargate universe another shot.
Well i dont think anyone should give up on the series after the first episode. Check out epsisode 3. I think the first one was boring but they havent even touched the ship yet. let them get organized and start pushing buttons. We'll see what happens. I am excited that they are keeping stargate going even though i miss sg1 and sga. I think we need to give sgu a chance and see were it goes.
Looking forward to the next sgu. The news of a new SGA film is more than welcome. As a red blooded male, how could I possibly survive any longer without Dr Jennifer (Jewel Staite).Will be watching my TV listings very carefully. Rodney McKay, I think is the funniest scientist on tellyvision.
I'm a massive SG fan, SG1 and SGA were absolutely brilliant!! Can't wait for the new movies coming out!!! Have to say, first two episodes of SGU that were aired in a two-hour show on SKY (united kingdom); I was quite let down to be honest...although I am going to give it a chance to get into things...
Really wanted more series of SGA, rubbish how we aint getting it anymore, but brilliant that there are movies!! SG live on! Jamie
3 episodes in and still not digging SGU. They should bring back SGA.
I want SGA to come back it was soo good, it was not corny and their was no sex in it. And also not much cursing. SGA is the best, but SGU is not that bad. I think it needs at least one alein though.
I agree ... bring back SGA. There's no reason the two can't co-exist.
I'm also a huge SG fan, but SGU is just to angry and filled with military mumbo-jumbo ... not even the cool action kind ... just the alpha male "no i'm in charge" kind that leads to no better character development or story evolution. I'm ready for an entire episode of "no U!" shouted back and forth at this point.
Has anyone heard when the release date of the SGA movie is? The close of 2009 approaches.
I dont get why in SGU, they dont just talk to daniel jackson, or dr Mckay and get some answers, i'm sure there is info about detsiny in the atlantis database which is now on earth? Am i missing something? Also, i'm curious as to why no one from the atlantis team was a part of this new project, or why no one from the original SG was any part of it, very odd..
Also, is it wierd atlantis landed in the SF bay area? looks like they are gona start the ferederation from there?
I love Atlantis and SG-1 , granted SGU is similer to in my opinion Star Trek Voyager and the newer Battlestar Galactica feel, I think SGU can go great places I am given it a chance but the new movie will be legit
If SG-U doesn't get going with some plot development soon, it will have shorter life than Star Trek TOS. No structure or command authority! Of course, that may be the premise. If it is I'll watch reruns of SG-1 & SGA , and even Voyager.
i guess it was time to bring SG1 to its end after 10 years, but ATLANTIS was still young and doing so well and the ratings were going up and up. iam really mad that my favorite tv series "stargate atlanis" was cancelled. SGU is ok but not even close to how good ATLANTIS was! bring ATLANTIS back and keep SGU as well. i wanna see ATLANTIS come back for more seasons 1 time a week and im sure thousands of other fans would agree!
here here, hopefully if enough people cry out for Atlantis, they might bring it back. just finished watching ep 5 of Universe and I,m just about done. even a great actor like Robert Carlisle, cant save a dull script....
three words...
bring back atlantis!!!
how does one find a petition to bring back SGA. that was one i could watch with my kids. SGU just has too much sex for me to let them watch it.
i do agree with most of ur that SGA was cut a little to early and i couldn't get enough of SG1 but SGU is a whole new series with different challenges and as far as i can see way way more harder for the expedition people to get a grip on things so wat i'm saying is just give it a cahnce to actually expand cause from what i've seen so far in the first 5 episodes the ship maybe way more advanced than even (dare i say it) Atlantis so all i'm saying is give SGU a chance...
Bring back atlantis, i'll give sgu a chance but I can't see where its going.
SGU is a drama tv show. There is no sci-fi to it at all. I've watched all aired episodes so far and I find myself falling asleep. Honestly, the cast sucks, the storyline sucks and I'd much much rather them bring back SGA, which ended well before it should have.
I agree that Stargate Atlantis was awesome and they could have done so much more with this series (like another 5 years) given they were in the Pegasus Galaxy with a whole host of gate address's and planets to explore. The execs were crazy to cancel this one, it was great!! I hope enough people protest this cancellation and bring SGA back.
I saw Joe Flannigan at the Auckland NZ Armaggedon Expo today 26/10/2009 and asked him why it was cancelled and he said he didn't know.
Why should anyone give SGU a chance?? - the feedback so far is that it is really bad and people never wanted SGA to be cancelled!! So if people are saying give SGU a chance don't listen to them. The T.V execs should be listening to the people who want SGA put back on air - this had another 5 years worth of story to go.
OK, here goes.
You DON'T have to give SGU a chance... If you don't like the show, don't watch it. But if you haven't heard it's actually topped the ratings in the US and is hugely popular, so they must be doing something right. Negative feedback is inconsequential to the hordes of fans that are backing it. Yes SG-1 and Atlantis were both very good programmes but at the end of the day there's a reason Atlantis was cut short. We probably won't ever know the true specifics but it could have been production/ cast costs, creator boredom, no network faith, drop in ratings etc etc. SGU was on the books long before SGA got canned so you were getting it whether you all liked it or not. SGU is based in a more realistic world that the previous 2 SG shows and therein lies its strongest plus point. It's believable and the character reactions are real-world, as if you and I were in that situation. People are bastards, they're horny, their cowards, they screw each other over and throw paddies left, right and centre... you get the idea. You say it's boring and not sci-fi but SGU is a different animal with a different agenda. It's stepping away from the franchise and growing up. The creators are doing it right as far as I'm concerned and I love the show. It's obvious that BSG was an influence, which is not a bad thing at all if you liked BSG but you can also see the real-world thing happening in movies like Iron-Man where Favreau made us believe in the Marvel universe. All subsequent Marvel movies are now being made to follow that trend, even going as far as to remake all past movies to fit in. Batman Begins and Dark Knight are other examples. You believe they can exist and nothing they do is too outlandish. You want action? You'll see it. You want aliens? Well technically we've seen one already (the little swirly windy thing on the desert planet) but you will see more. If you've watched the Sky 1 behind the scenes featurettes they discuss all that. They've pretty much completed the first season and they say it begins to kick ass pretty soon.
OK so I'd still like to see more SGA, but are we going to get another series, even if we all petitioned? Unlikely. This Extinction movie isn't even set in stone yet, nothing's started at all.
I would repeat what others have said and say it will get better and you should stick with it, but reading most of your comments here I think your minds are made up. It reminds me of all the Lost fans that gave up so quickly before that show got so good. We have only seen a handful of episodes so far which not only directly follow on from each other, spanning only 1 day at a time so far, but they've not even figured out how to use the ship they're on. We've seen hardly anything so far. Once we get past the intro/ unknown stage things WILL pick up. Whether you stay to experience that is up to you. Give the creators some credit, they're the same guys you're praising for SGA.
Aaaaand, I'm spent... Enjoy!
I'm not a big sci-fi person but I was in love with SG1 and SGA. I loved them, and many others, for their unrealistic reactions to things. It was very non-real-world and I enjoyed that. I enjoyed a break from the sex driven shows that are on everywhere else. It gets old. People have sex great now I'd like to hear a story and that's what was so great about the other two shows. It was like being a little kid all over again. SGU is just plain sex driven. No kidding the ratings are higher they're showing boobies! It gets old. On top of that nothing happens it's a freaking soap opera.
I miss Stargate Atlantis sooooo much. Atlantis was my favorite show and i was PO'd that they canceled it...it had so much more left in it.
Stargate Universe is absolutly ridiculous in my oipion. It's a stupid sci-fi (or not) drama with no point. I decided to give it a chance, but i'm slowly losing interest in it. Each episode the ship has some sort of problem that they barley are able to fix in time. WOW!!! That's gunna get old real fast. SGU is really just a sex drama... I've seen more sex scenes in the first 4 episodes, than in almost all of the SG1 and SGA's.
I tried to give SGU a chance, but anyone giving it a chance, DONT!!! They need to bring back SGA. SGA was my reason for living! (not really). I loved watching SGA everyday, but now i'm stuck watching SGU b/c sci-fi (or should i say Sy-Fy, which is also stupid) hasn't been playin SGA or SG1 at 4 and 5.
I will cont. to watch SGU only b/c i need some sort of Stargate to watch, but my advice to you if you haven't watched SGU is...DONT!!!!!!
petitions worked for Family Guy. why couldn't it work for SGA.
I have been and will forever be a hug fan of the Stargate Franchise. Having said that, SGU is definitely an acquired taste. It's more sex-driven and human based that the previous two installments to the franchise, but like most of you, i'm willing to give it a slim chance. Butnif ever a petition is begun for the return of SGA, i am SO there. Give me back my Rachel Lutrell.
Just like they teased us with the stargate alliance game then cancelled it i think they are going to do with the atlantis movie i dont think they will make it i know it sucks but i have no faith in the stargate executives bring back atlantis because sgu is so boring it sucks. I saw abc is re releasing the V series so it might be good.
In response to Kryptonian Warrior, the whole idea of a sci fi show like SGA is to get away from the whole "real world" type show. Everyone knows that people can be horrible and nasty and watching BSG was a prime example of that. I didn't like BSG it was so violent and even when they were offered help by the cylons, the Galatica crew were exceptionally cruel to them, which is wrong, for eg stealing a cylons baby and wanting to murder her and rape her, how is that entertaining? For a race of people on the brink of extinction they still couldn't get it together.
If in real life we were stranded in the pegasus galaxy I am sure we would come together to make it work and would not be so bitter and petty.
Everyday we live in the real world, eat breakfast, feed the dog, have a shower, go to work, everyday, - SGA is a break from all that. It's fantasy and it's exciting to see them meet new people and work together to get our of trouble and live as a family.
Arn't we asking if there are other people out in the galaxy, in SGA there is and there are gates that take us there in the blink of an eye, in real life we would be dead before reaching our destination.
Change begins with us, the people, if enough people boycott SGU and petition for SGA to return it will, because at the end of the day the t.v execs are only interested in their net profit.
OK, first of all don't get me wrong about SGA, I loved the show. What I'm trying to put across is simply that the execs for SGU obviously spent 11-12 odd years doing SG-1 and SGA and decided to take a different path for the next series. You can't blame them when shows like BSG topped the ratings charts and the media world seems to be obsessed with reality shows like The Osbournes, The biggest loser, Big Brother, I'm a celebrity etc etc. Those are the shows that seem to have been dominating the airwaves in the last few years. Even soap operas are big and last for decades! A lot of people want to watch reality whilst the rest love the escapism... I love both. Reality (or the nearest representation of that which you could actually get away with in a sci-fi show) is a formula that hasn't lost momentum yet, so they're betting their money on it with SGU.
Jumping from a show like SGA with its jokes, fun and friendship ties into a show that's almost the complete opposite (when shows that show true grit are accumulating power with the networks) isn't such a silly idea. OK so they've found fans and they've alienated old SG followers, which is strikingly apparent just reading the huge amount of comments to this one post, and I thank you all for all your input, but at least you have a sci-fi show to watch based in that universe rather than nothing. No consolation to most of you I'm sure... I'd happily sign an SGA petition myself if I really thought there'd be a chance it would work. With Jericho it kinda worked and with Family Guy it did (although that was only due to the petrified execs realising they weren't offending the world THAT much and put it back on the air)but with SGA it's just much more likely that they'll stick to the SG-1 formula and do straight to DVD movies.
Only time will tell.
BSG bad as it was, stayed on the air because the backer for the show, owned network that runs Sci-fy. If this company doesn't endorse a show, it doesn't stay long.
Have any of you noticed that SGU is incredibly similar to some other show?
They are in a space ship that's almost on the edge of stop working, they're figthing to get the basic resources required to sustain life, and all of them want to go to earth.
I just hope that Destiny's crew don't find an alien race called Cylons in one of the episodes.
Stargate Universe? Lets just call it what it really is, ok?
"Stargate Universe: Death of a Franchise"
Have every episode and movie... Call me a SG junkie. Thought there were a couple sappy scenes in the first episode of Stargate Universe, but it has me hooked and downloading the new episodes. I think they're better at holding cliffhangers than either previous SG series (I know! Blasphemy!). I'm a fan, as long as they don't dump it with the actors or scenarios.
So back to the first topic. It said late 2009 have we heard any more about it? I mean it is now november and in my book thats late 2009.
I believe Stargate Universe has the drive to become another enduring installment for the true Stargate fan. I am sick and tired of the the Battlestar reference:(...Battlestar was a piece of crap show...and before you people start bitching about that I have to say I am a true Sci-fi fan with all Star Trek shows and movies and all Stargate both again movies and series and everything else sci-fi in my collection. Also you know it was a piece of crap show with only four seasons and that god awful ending that made me want to puke in my mouth and chew it down with a smile on my face instead of watching it at that time). And who could not love Robert Carlysle as Dr. Rush? Stargate Atlantis was amazing....well with David Hewlett as Rodney and Todd as the anti christ to John Sheppard. And I am just salivating for the Atlantis movie like all of you but I know in my gut and heart that Universe will wow us all sooner then later..... because I am already there due to the fact that I went into the first episode with no expectations and you should do that as well. AND FORGET ABOUT BSG REFERENCES!!!! Maybe then you will be able to survive the long wait till the highly anticipated release of Extinction!!!!
So far I pretty much hate SGU comparedf to SGA or SG1. I can't believe the prveious two didn't get enough ratings to stay on the air. The problem is advertising. Not enough viewers and a hit show can be canceled. It sucks.
Me and my wife are big fans of stargate. we have watched from the very beginning back when it was on showtime. we own every episode of stargate and stargate atlantis plus all the movies. we are both in our early 30's, and supposed to be the target audience. The ratings are in on sgu and they are 1,000,000 under what sga got in it's 5th season. this should tell the stargate executives that sga needs to come back. the cast was young and was exciting to watch every friday, it had endless possibilities and could have lasted longer than sg-1. We have given sgu every chance in the world, but it does not even come close to it's predecessors. the one and only thing that could save the show is that they stop all the fancy artsy camera work and find a way to bring Shepard,Ronin,and Mcay on the ship, if not the show will flop. Me and my wife will continue our friday nite routine of drink's and an episode of sg-1 and an episode of sga every friday night. There is a petition to bring back sga on the syfy website in the forum column under what do you think of sgu column please sign it if your a fan. WE WILL NOT BE BUYING ANY SGU DVD'S UNLESS THE SHOW GETS THE VERY NEEDED CHANGES!!!
Ever since I have found this site I have been coming back everyday to see if there is any news about the production and release scheduling for the Stargate Atlantis movie. The reason I come here everyday is that I am a hardcore Stargate fan, and not just an SG-1 fan. That is the reason why I gave Universe a fair chance despite all references to other shows and what not, because truely i don't believe there is an original idea out there!! I mean what has not already been thought up before, everything is just a revamp of a revamp of an original idea!!! The idea is to just make the revamp better then the original and with Universe that is accomplished in leaps and bounds. Sorry Battlestar Craptica:(:( ;)..lol.
And to me Universe is a welcome filler till the release of Extinction, and is slowly becoming way more then just lettuce to my hamburger if you catch my meaning. I now watch the first 4 seasons of SG-1 and cowar at how chessey they were. So looking in retrospect I believe Universe will become exponentialy better as did SG-1 and SGA. And I hope one day I can sit back and watch back to back episodes of SG-1, SGA and Universe all in a row from my DVD collecton. Don't let Unverse become another Enterprise.......mn I miss that show:(
I think sg1 and atlantis was better, in universe, there is just not enough action to keep someones attention. It's like a documentary from Lost put on Battestar Galactica. Simply too many kind of styles was combined together, and therefore in the end it's none of them, not a sci-fi and not a drama. Only a bad combination.
Stargate Universe it's more like Battlestargalactica - only Sargate Universe is terrible bad - bad action, bad actors ( bad choices ) big mistake - I hope they will continue Stargate Atlantis. STOP Stargate Universe PLEASE - it's a shame !!!
okay first off SGU is very good and I've been atching every single episode since it came out. I watch it with my mom. She loves it, so does all my sisters who hate the stargate frnachise. SO if it can convert poeple like them itsreally good. I'll admit SGA was great.... in its time. People need to deal with teh fact its over. I was so pissed when Ifoud out it was over but I got over that. SGU is great and the cast is great. You peiople are coming into a new with already expectation. This show is different to all the other SG franchise. People just don't realise it.
ELi is the comic relief that everyone needs. Young is the "boss" and is trying to get everyone home his way. Rush is the person with the hidden agenda but as the Universe execs put "Rush is the leading role." so people deal. Scott is sorta ike the Sheppard and O'neil cross. He is the person we all like. You know caring kind and all that. T.J is the medic. Shes the one we all should be feelings orry for. She watches others die. Chloe, shes the person who goes with Scott.
Thi is a new cast, new experiance and hearing all you people complain just kills me because you are lready judging it because its not those shows your used to. An SGU i was better than BSG. That just plainly sucked to the end! And I watched that every single time it cme on for every episode and season.. so there. Just get over the fact SGU isn't SG1 or SGA and give it a fighting chance.
Why don't they just use Atlantis' wormhole drive to rescue these people. The SGA team would have thought of that and had them home in one episode.
Reply to Anonymous: People are bastards, they're horny, their cowards, they screw each other over and throw paddies left, right and centre... you get the idea.
Response: Personally, If I wanted to see the drama I could find it anywhere. I chose science *fiction* for what I've encountered the 10 seasons of SG-1, and a few of Atlantis. I definitely didn't intend to keep up with a 'reality' science fiction series...
I watch the show every time its on and so far im not impressed. These people are acting like children. yea they are stuck out there but geez deal with it. And why was there never more exploring on atlantis. the place was huge.
Hi guys. As my latest reply was too big for this comment box I thought I'd create a new post specifically on the issue you're all discussing here. You can find the new post here:
so I'm not really enjoying sgu yet, just because it's not anything like sga or sg1 and because it's too drama full but i don't like allot of shows with a lot of drama in it but i know other ppl do so i respect that ppl like this show and it might get better i don't know yet. I'm still gonna watch it cuz i want to know what happens. oh and im totally excited for the atlantis movie!!! does anyone know the date that it's coming out?
You'll find the answer to that on the new post above from me. Please refer to that post for future reference now.
Copy and paste the link into your browser if you're not sure how to follow it.
Kryptonian Warrior
SGU sucks, bring back Atlantis. I'm a huge Stargate fan, but this is horrible and very disappointing. I agree with many other's comments. Why does it have to have sex in it?. It does not make my enjoy it any better when watching it. I miss SGA.I hope the writers pay attention to what there fans are saying.
I've been a HUGE SG fan from the time it first aired on Showtime, and Atlantis brought me 5yrs & 100 episodes of amazing entertainment. I feel that SGU is an in insult to the Stargate series & it's fans. The acting is bad, the writing is bad, the characters are shallow, and the CAMERA WORKS SUCKS! Are we watching SG or are we watching yet another badly-produced Battlestar Galactica series???
Terry - San Diego
i dont like sgu i miss sga cant wait for film
I agree with those who say SGU is horrible. I watched the first 6 or so episodes then gave up on it. None of the characters grab me, I really don't care if they all die on the show. As mentioned in previous posts, it is drama not sci fi, terrible acting, sex for no reason, terrible writing, as well as white male dominated. It's a Voyager wanna be- a so-so show, but at least it had characters I liked. I loved SGA and SG! but I can't even tell the same people are involved in writing/producing this horrible show, and who did the casting? Can't wait for the new SGA movie!
Agree with previous person, Firefly is awesume! But Farscape is even better!
SGU sucks,
from what i have read, they stop SGA ebcause they was limitted on imagination and was going like SG1
Well, Atlantis was also a SHIP, and they didnt discover 10% of the city so was enough to do at least 10 more season... i dont know hwat happen, may many people were disapointed fron SGU so hoppfully will stop soon and a new kind of SG will come up (with the previous writting/producing team as befor) i would love to see SGA rehemped and back to the tv...but this i am sure wont happen, what i have heard, a completly NEW STARGAT is coming up and this one made by 1 fan(that is extremly rich), this is not from the official cast, but this information is confidential, the SGU cast is going to take it so bad loool, good luck
just google it you will see (probably in 2010)
SGU is totally a reboot of the same type of junk from Galactica that ruined it. I have to have a friend watch it to give me the thumbs up before each episode so I don't have to be subjected to the gratuitous immoral junk that I didn't ask to see. That is the same reason that I only watched maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of the new Galactica series. Because I wanted to watch it but couldn't because it was too much for my desire for good wholesome Scifi. I didn't ask for being subjected to porn and disgusting people who can't control themselves.
why do you watch syfy most syfy is immoral well that can be seen on all tv!!!!!
don't judg cuz you dont like to see people kising you see that in rill ife
I think sgu is a decent show so far and has a lot of potential. So far we hav only had enough time to introduce characters and show how they have made life on the ship possible( food air water etc). Now that we have a base of the show developed we can start exploring more action and and storylines. Everyone wants to judge the show so quickly without giving something different a chance. I think it is developing great so far. And I'm not a new sg fan either. I have wathed the show since cotg first was shown on showtime and have seen all sg1 and sga seasons. Just give the show a chance for now and with some crazy luck they'll hear every fans complaints and bring back sga. And we will have 2 different types of stargate shows to watch.
SGA cant come back. if it did and they went back to pegasus, it would be like starting st:voyager up again by them buliding their own caretaker device and going back to the delta quadrant. IT JUST WONT WORK!! GIVE UP AND FIND A NEW SHOW!! For those of you who have given up on SGU, in the midseason finale, Rush (the lead character with a hidden agenda) gets the shit beat out of him and abandoned on a planet. you know what that means.!? The show is going to start now. getting rid of Rush would be like getting rid of Jack or John from SG1 or SGA, it would kill it. since they dont appear to be doing that, enter aliens and new tech and all sorts of new shit. BASEketball was right, people today have attention spans that can only be measured in nano-seconds. so take a damn chill pill and watch SGU or some other show and QUIT BITCHIN' ABOUT STARGATE ATLANTIS!!! IT!!! IS!!! GONE!!! FROM!!! T.V.!!!! FOR!!!! EVER!!!! FOR!!! EVER!!!! FOR!!!!
just so you know, ive watched every episode of each series and each movie, including the original movie with kurt russel, so i know what the hell im talking about.
SGA only went 5 seasons for one simple to find idea...
someone posted that the first 4 seasons of SG1 sucked. well the majority of that was on showtime. what the series actually became famous for was when it moved to sci-fi (to hell with syfy) and they added humor. there was very little humor when it was on showtime, it was more like SGU in that respect. so if you want to truely think about how many seasons of SG1 and SGA there actually were, it was 6 and 5 respectively. SHOWTIME CANCELLED IT BECAUSE NOTHING WAS HAPPENNING YET, and they could make more with porn, obviously.
SGU is different to any sg previous, it tries to rely on human emotion and drama. no houmor no real aliens just all the faults of humanity.. for that reason it is an A+. it seems too serious for the majority o scifi fans. not every show can be lost in space retold,some need a bit of sofistication.. love SGU, that said the women need to wear tighter tops so theres more nipple action.. gggrrrr
I'm no youngster anymore and SG-1 & of course SGA have been a part of my life. Life is real, something some network people do not fess up to.
Watching SGU, I truly believe most people were hoping & expecting more, lots more. It's a headache to follow, not that every character is totally boring, some are great. But who wants a deep space version of Peyton Place. Until the most recent episode, I was going to can the idea of watching any more episodes. And I hope they keep dumping some of the no talent creeps they have.
Lou Diamond whatever. To know him personally is to really not like him. He's a sun par individual that has less respect for you than you have for an insect. How the seies gave him a part, when just his involvment is enough to turn many fans and people I know away from a franchise they love. And for people to love any franchise is quite remarkable as it does nothing but put money in someone elses pockets.
Even I fall into this dilemma. Bring SGA back? That should be something we shouldn't have to ask for. The studio should be begging on all fours to rejuvinate their error & make things right.
Look at the "talent" stemming from SG-1 & SGA. For the most part (not all), SGU has 'B' hopefulls. Like everyone else I'm waiting for the movies, SGA's SG-1's, any & all cause there is a humongous void in most of us since the series (both) were cancelled... That can't be said for many other series. Some are missed but these also left a huge void.
Do any of you know if any of this sentiment is getting back to the producers of the stargate franchise? I have been all over the internet read a whole bunch of blogs and everywhere I look the feeling is pretty much the same; people are pissed that they canceled SGA and are trying to replace it with battle star galactica the legend of Curley's gold or as they are calling it SGU. It just seems like a cheap attempt to absorb some of the BSG fans. But the new format clearly does nothing for the SG1/SGA fans. Are there any efforts being made like the save Dr. Jackson website (that proved effective years back when they were considering dropping Michael Shanks)?
I read about a rumor that Jason Mamoa had said to someone when asked about the upcoming SGA movie he said it wasn’t happening. Has anyone else heard this? I have heard speculation that this was a joke but I don’t know. It seems like if it were happening there would have been some sort of announcement made by now.
And just for the record I hate the new SyFy logo its gay. (not that there is anything wrong with that; if this were the home gardening network but its not, the Sci-Fi channel that we know is the home of science fiction programming and B grade horror/monster movies.)
I have been a fan of the stargates from the beginning. I remember when SGA was announced. People were upset and swore not to watch it. But they did. After the first episode, some swore never to watch it again. Only SG1 was needed. Atlantis was not SG1 and would fail. None of the characters were worthwhile, especially Rodney Mckay. Atlantis should be canceled. Long live SG1.
But it wasn't canceled for five years and we came to love the characters this need view through the stargate. Pegasus can with its own rules and they had to adapt to the universe they now inhabited.
SGU is stranded it a new universe and they are adapting. We must give them time, because like it are not, it is the only stargate we have.
However, real life are not they must also regain their honor. That is what is lacking in this group. You are stranded with no way to get home start working together.
And as for those who think this is the real world. Not by a long shot. Even in the midst of suffering, hope and humor remains. Its how we survive.
Bring back SGA!
I agree with everyone that has not liked SGU. Watching it makes me miss SGA even more then I already do. I have given it a chance. It's just not for me so I will not be watching when it comes back on the air. I really would love for TPTB to bring forth a SGA movie already. What's the hold up?
I agree with many of the comments. SGA was amazing!!!! it made you laugh, and sometimes cry, it scared the heck out of you and then made you smile! the sharacters are amazing!!!!! Sheperds got the whole " oh crap" comment that always gets me laughing because its placed at the rifght time. Mcay is a wimp but you gotta love him, hes funny wen he whines. SGU is a whole nother story. Why all the drama! and Romance? its a scyfy show for petes sake! we want to see battles, backstabbers and danger! BRING STARGATE ATLANTIS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Caprica is retarded. Does anyone else feel this way?
Yes I do! They need to get all that shit off of the SCI-FI channel. They need to bring back SG1 SGA and continue to persue the two movies that are in limbo. Just scrap absolutly everything else caprica, eureka, dr who, sanctuary, SGU, BSG, and ect.
The scifi channel and MGM should just focus all their money and attention on bringing back SG1, SGA and maybe even the xfiles. Just fill the rest of the time slots with stargate reruns and maybe some of those classic scifi shows they used to show like lost in space. Seriously the scifi channel is like turning into the soapnet they even gayified the name syfy what the hell is that?
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