Tuesday 17 July 2012

Goodbye Eureka!

So last night the last episode (ever) of A town called Eureka aired all over the US and i gotta say it was heart breaking! There were more than a good few moments when i genuinely thought a character or two would leave this mortal coil, being the last episode, that works (although a shock at the beginning of season 5 shows no one is safe) as town chaos goes it was a little on the low side, we had the usual "oh no we need to save the town before it's destroyed" thing but there didn't seem much action, this may be however due to the rest of the plot line being much more engaging and distracting from the panic. It was rounded off very very well with a few familiar faces returning throughout, which kind of made it feel like everyone was coming home. Check it out on 8th August in the UK airing on the SyFy channel, it's not to be missed.

I can't believe it's over :( Seven whole years! Check out this goodbye video below posted by Colin Ferguson (Carter) via his Twitter account starring him and Neil Grayston (Fargo) 

Mistress of Magic xxx

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