Saturday 20 February 2010

Adidas Darth Vader Track Top/ Jacket!

I posted up a whole new bunch of Star Wars themed trainers from Adidas the other day and then yesterday I came upon a new track top from them that was equally as cool.

This Darth Vader top is probably the kind of thing you want to buy because is looks and sounds so frickin cool, but if you actually wore it out on the street you'd probably be beaten to death...

Not only does the top have the basic pattern designs on the material that match Vader's costume but it also sports a removable breastplate, cape with chain and hood... A breastplate and cape, with the chain included? Very funky. On the back is a Vader face graphic just in case those people walking behind you couldn't tell what the theme was already, but of course that's hidden ff you go out wearing the cape. If you're that brave...

Either way it's a great release for Star Wars fans and another essential collectable for those of you that love quirky clothes that stand out from the crowd. Just be sure to carry your lightsaber for protection!


Anonymous said...

how much would a jacket like this cost?

Kryptonian Warrior said...

No idea unfortunately! You'd have to browse online and see if you can still find one. They won't be cheap! :)