Having just read this on the SCIFIWIRE website, I find myself wondering why I bother paying my TV licence....the BBC can't keep us paying it and rely on the "BUT WE BOUGHT BACK DR WHO" argument.
Another recycled (although I have never seen the original so it'll at least be new for me) mini series about those damn pesky Triffids.
Here's the SCIFIWIRE ( that's the SYFY channels news site if you didn't already know.) article and photos.
You can't keep a good killer plant down! SF author John Wyndham came up with the iconic ambulatory killer shrubs called "Triffids" for his 1951 novel The Day of the Triffids, in which the plants take the opportunity, when most of the world is struck blind, to start munching on humans.
Den of Geek has posted scads of pics of from the BBC adaptation of The Day of the Triffids, the second mini-series (the BBC has already done it before in 1981) slated to air in the U.K. on Dec. 28 and 29. The new adaptation is directed by The 4400 and The Dresden Files vet Nick Copus and stars Dougray Scott, Joely Richardson, Brian Cox, Vanessa Redgrave, Eddie Izzard and Jason Priestley.
Though earlier incarnations of the Triffids have left their origins mysterious, the BBC version apparently puts the blame squarely on humanity. According to its press release, "In the not-too-distant future, man's search for an alternative fuel supply leads him to uncover the ominous Triffid, a crop now cultivated for its fuel that seems to have a life of its own." Gee, thanks a lot, scientists!

Triffids have long been the weeds on the lawn of sci-fi culture. There was the classic 1962 creature feature of the same name. Triffids are mentioned in Richard O'Brien's Rocky Horror Picture Show. In 1975, there was Marvel Comics' Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction adaptation. Danny Boyle stole imagery of a devastated London from both the novel and the film for 28 Days Later. Triffids are even mentioned in Junot Diaz's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel about geek life, The Brief, Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao.
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