Monday 10 November 2008

Dragonball The Movie

Having never watched a single episode of Dragonball when it was on TV all those years ago I can't say that I'm that interested in this live action movie version. I'm posting it up hoping that a DB fan might come on here having not heard of the new movie (however unlikely that is) and go "Wow!". With me the reaction is more like "Oh God this looks bloody awful"...

My colleague at work seems to be a DB nut and could probably explain every little detail about the entire DB universe so I know he's been looking forward to this since its inception and he's the real reason I've even posted it here in the first place. Danny boy, this is for you.

I've been informed that there are some major problems with the images and trailer such as Piccolo looking more like a Joss Whedon Vampire or the Picard Clone from Star Trek Nemesis than the green antennae-headed alien and other characters looking completely different to their cartoon counterparts (like Master Roshi for example). I won't be going to see this in the cinema but it'll be a DVD rental for sure, just to see what it's like.

This is a supposed image of Goku in his Monster/ Oozaru form. Again the web is buzzing with people dissing the fact that if this is indeed real and the final version for the film, it detracts heavily from the original giant ape/ werewolf form from the cartoons (below).

Oozaru as fans know him.

Piccolo, or not Piccolo... that is the question.

Piccolo as fans know him.

I hope you DB fans get something out of this movie, although at this point I wouldn't get your hopes up...

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