Thursday 6 November 2008

Marvelous Marvel...

Marvel movies are set to dominate the silver screen for at least the next 4 years and that makes me a very happy fan.

Not only do we now have confirmed release dates for some of the most awaited Marvel Superhero movies of all time up until 2011 but we hear news recently that Dr.Strange, Ant-Man, Iron Fist and Luke Cage movies are all in the works. Recent news has also now confirmed that Tobey Maguire, Sam Raimi and Kirsten Dunst have all said yes to Spider-Man 4 (let's hope it's better than the God-awful Spidey 3) so good old web head will be joining the foray at some point too.

The US release dates are now set as follows:

Iron Man 2 - 7th May 2010
Thor - 16th July 2010 (with news just reaching the press that Kenneth Branagh could be set to direct)
The First Avenger: Captain America - 6th May 2011 (The film I'm most looking forward to)
The Avengers - 15th July 2011

And funnily enough Iron Man 3 is now on Marvel's future release list showing that the studio (now teaming up with Paramount for the next 4 years) have great faith in their new franchises. I know that Iron Man rocked the world recently (no small of amount of that success stemming from Robert Downey Jr's performance) and as a buyer for a toy/ collector company myself I know how well the toys, statues and replicas sold so I'm sure this is their new "cash-cow" that they want to keep nurturing for as long as possible.

I just hope the Mandarin and Fing Fang Foom are left out of the villain roster!

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