Tuesday 4 November 2008

Possibly the best geek film ever?...

A film that has slipped silently under my expansive and finely tuned radar is "Fanboys" a movie originally set for release in August 2007 and then pushed back again an again for various reasons. I remember seeing something about it at a convention I went to in London back then but now it's coming to a cinema near you in 2009 (hopefully!).

The trailer looks great and made me smile the whole way through with a multitude of Star Wars references and numerous SW actors starring too (even William Shatner appears which is never a bad thing in my book). The highlight for geeks everywhere though will be that fact that stunning Kristen Bell (currently playing Elle in Heroes season 3) is in this movie and she dons the legendary gold bikini...

Watch the trailer and read the synopsis for the full rundown of this great, fun looking movie.


Set in 1998, "Fanboys" tells of a group of friends who, anxious for the premiere of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, decide to break into Skywalker Ranch and steal an early print of the film. The reason: one of them is suffering from cancer and wishes to see the film before his death. A road trip begins as the friends encounter William Shatner, obsessed Trekkies, and bikers who make them undress for water.

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