Well, Mr Tennant has bowed out as THE DOCTOR but what did you make of the finale? Well I would imagine that you were probably as disappointed as KW and myself.....not really the fitting tribute to David as I had hoped. I will however admit to loving the final 15 minutes or so...after THE MASTER and the stupid story about the TIME LORDS was over and done with we could get to the thing that David did best......make us really care about THE DOCTOR and show that he was more Human that his heritage gave him credit for.

Now the first time I remember seeing DR WHO on TV was Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred running around shooting CYBERMEN with gold coins and a sling shot...from there I was hooked. I then watched some of the earlier DOCTORS, but no one seemed as quirky and funny as McCoy......until Mr Tennant came along.
I loved seeing the two other "new" DOCTORS prior to Tennant (McGann and Eccleston) but the new series really didn't come alive until Tennant burst into the TARDIS. The humour had been lacking with Eccleston (it was just rather campy) and the chemistry just didn't click between him and Piper.........boy did that change.
From that moment on I was hooked........even the slightly more average stories were watchable because Tennant was magic on screen, and I will always credit him as being a great actor. He can change from silly to serious, angry to angelic, and from angry malevolent timelord to an almost childlike creature in the blink of an eye.
As I said, before the gushing tribute, I loved the final scenes of THE END OF TIME. Watching him save his friends in his last moments, saying his goodbyes, and seeing the person he loved one more time before this regeneration ended, as well as sort of saying goodbye to his love when he was Mr Smith in the episode "the family of blood" and finding some closure..........leading him to the last line Tennant was the utter on screen as the last of the TIMELORDS....."I DON'T WANT TO GO."...........I got a tear in my eye watching the emotion on his face.
I will say now that I really didn't like the regeneration scene........Matt SMITH was ridiculous and the first thing that sprang to my mind was "oh sh*t, another unstable regeneration" because the mad mad performance reminded me of Colin BAKER. He's too young and seemed ridiculous at even attempting to fill Tennants shoes, but my mind was set slightly at ease when I saw that he seemed to have calmed down in the teaser trailer for the new season....and at least he's gonna have a companion (who's pretty cute too)

Although I kinda wish they'd have bought back the character Sally Sparrow (Carey MULLIGAN) as she was brilliant in the episode BLINK....a personal favourite.

Well farewell and so long David....you're the best in my books....and to keep me and the rest of your fans a little less depressed at least there's is still a part of you alive in the DR WHO universe....don't forget the end of season 4.....check out the clips below and remember the good ol' days, and some of the touching and funny scenes that Tennant shared with us on screen.
Mr Smith, you have big, big shoes to fill..............just don't f**k it up, or I'll find you and post you back to Gallifrey in a box!!!!!
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