Saturday 8 February 2014

Renegade Revolution Needs Your Geek Support!

As you all know (if you're regular readers of we not only try to bring you as much entertainment news as possible each week but also the odd review, preview, and cool pics and videos post here and there too. What we also like to do is support new shops, online stores, and websites that compliment the "geek" world and are connected to any of our contributors. On the left of this site page you'll not only find a list of sites we recommend visiting but also a few logos which link directly to the more important sites if you click on them.

The newest logo up today is for a new website dedicated to bringing you long-form style posts regarding views, experiences, and reviews from the various genres of anime, manga, comics, sci-fi, movies, cosplay, and all other geekery. I've just started writing for them myself, although only one post under my belt at this point, and it's a totally different style of site to this one. If you're a geek (and why else would you be visiting Kryptonian Warrior?) then please show them your support by following them through some or all of the multiple media outlets below.


And to show your support for (still handled by the old name of Red Sun Comics):

Twitter: @Redsuncomics

Please spread the word and help RR and KW obtain new support!

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