Friday 7 September 2012

Delicious Deviant Artists #8!

I realise it’s a bit later than I normally post, and I apologise for that.  I got a bit distracted by a certain free video game I downloaded recently.  This week I’ve got a lovely mix of geekery from Verlisaerys for you to sink your chompers into!

So to kick start today’s Delicious Deviant Artist feature I dug up a sketch of a proper old school fandom.  I give you; Spike and Dru.  Now I know Dru was always pretty damn crazy but I LOVED her.  I thought she was hilarious and let’s face it, she’s a real stunner.  Verlisaerys has done her real justice in this image and Spike?  Well, I’d certainly let him bite me if he was hungry!

The shading is spectacular in this piece and Dru’s eyes really seem to be staring straight out at you.  She’s hiding something, there’s a secret hidden behind those eyes, I just know it.

I love the simple detail in this picture too, the beading of her necklace, the collar of his shirt, the arch of her eyebrows.  There’s nothing over the top about it, but the detail is there, humble and modest, just as it should be.

So Hunger Games was released on DVD this week, and I have to admit I got insanely excited by all the hype, to the point that the movie was a teeny bit of a let down.  This image though, makes up for it.  Katniss’s expression here is so serious, her eyes say she isn’t sure who to trust, how to feel, what to think.  Well, at least I get that from this image.  The traditional style is perfect for a drawing of Katniss, she’s supposed to be a bit rough around the edges, she’s supposed to be a bit untidy here and there, she’s not meant to be pristine and clean like most digital art would make her look.

The background is simple and her clothes are simple which work perfectly here, all you really need to look at to enjoy the whole piece are the eyes.  I could fall in love with eyes like those, couldn’t you?

Has anyone else noticed my little Avatar binge recently?  I promise, there won’t be too much of this, but this particular image had to be one of my main features.  This is based on an extremely important scene in the series and the tension is evident in Katara’s face.  The shading again is exquisite, the shine of her eyes makes her look as though she’s on the edge of tears, but not quite there yet, which is so fitting.

This picture is actually a detail shot of a bigger piece in the gallery, but I love the close up so much that I really wanted to focus on this image as a work of art in it’s own right.  I mean,  Verlisaerys’s even gone to the trouble of making sure the carving on the pendant is really visible.  What more could you ask for really.

That’s all for this week, if you liked any of the pictures in my main feature or in the selection above, do visit  Verlisaerys’s Deviant Art gallery here.

That’s all for this week, next time I’ll be bringing you a little bit of an obscurity, I’m not sure exactly how many of you lovely folks will recognise the character I want to feature but I’m sure you’ll love the art work!  I do try and find the best after all.

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