Thursday 2 August 2012

Webcomics of the Week Featurette #1

Hello viewers, as you may know their is a "Delicious Deviant Artists!" posted every week that promotes artists which gave me an idea, as this website is to feature Geeky news and updates I thought to myself "C'mon lets raise some awareness for webcomics", so here it is my weekly panel giving you webcomics to watch weekly.

I thought as this is first week as a taster I will feature my all time favoroite webcomic artist  (Soon to be comic publisher) Luke Mckay!
Now some people may already know him, or know of him if you was a die hard fan of "as they say the most popular web series" called Red vs Blue, You would of watched their website weekly just to see the episodes released early and get glimpses of the web comics. That is if you are part of the Rooster Teeth community. Last year sadly Luke McKay departed from working for Roosterteeth to work on an independent project comic book series that started on Kickstarter (Which you can see here) called Steamfunk which is a comic book about sci-fi, western and adventure. If you would like to be updated upon the series and publications please sign up here. Below is an image of his new series and the end to his long run on RoosterTeeth comics and a sampler of his new series.

To be honest I love Luke's Unique style of drawing, as it is Cartoonishly bulgy but also distinctively simple with the shapes used and the colour. 

Luke McKay's full run and self developed series which can be found on its on its official website has weekly a weekly (well 2 comics strips a week) of Luke McKay's official series called Balls 2 that. Balls 2 that shows adventures of Balls and his faithful companion and Nurse Mustard who get into devious situations *Edit I almost forgot, his pet who is a monster blender mutant thing.. sometimes the writer even puts a few gimmicks into the comic for jokes. 

One of the gimmicks.

One of the random moments

And some that always bring us back to their "Beneficial" friendship.

*Note* Some of the comics are a tad rude, I strictly advise it for the mature audiences.

Here at last watch the master at his finest work creating a comic strip in a timelapse.. Enjoy

This has been your pal Magical Magistrate... I mean The Micro Marvel.

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