Wednesday 3 October 2012

Crush Of The Week #32

This week's crush of the week follows last week's choice of a British TV celeb and as I've been watching a lot of Dave on Sky recently, and a lot of The Gadget Show re-runs on said channel, I have to choose one of the most beautiful presenters on UK TV... Pollyanna Woodward.

I've watched The Gadget Show for years (on both 5 and Dave) and it's probably one of my favourite shows on TV, but when Pollyanna joined in season 17 back in 2010 it became even better. This isn't because the beautiful leggy/busty/blonde is nice to look at (that's just being shallow!) but she's also intelligent and highly likeable as a presenter and makes the whole show that more watchable. I also enjoy watching Jason, Ortis, Jon, and Suzi of course (who I've heard have all been dropped now, bar Jason and Polly) but they've all got nothing on Miss Woodward.

What I didn't know about her until just now was that she reached the final 13 on Popstars the Rivals in 2002, was a top 10 finalist in Miss England, and has appeared on a fair amount of other shows on various channels over the last few years too!

Anyway, here's why she's this week's crush of the week...

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