Saturday 17 March 2012

Could there be an Elder Scrolls MMO on the horizon?

 According to both TomsGuide and IGN, Bethesda and ZeniMax Studios COULD be working on an Elder Scrolls MMO.

The report cites three different sources, all of which are unnamed. They state that the game will be set in the Second Era (so well before the other games in the Elder Scrolls series.) One source also claims that there'll be three playable factions, represented by 'one of three animals: A lion, a dragon and a bird of prey (either a phoenix or an eagle, we aren't sure)".

Considering this is information from three different sources, I'd be inclined to think this may be true, not to mention the HUGE success of Bethesda's recent Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. An Elder Scrolls MMO has been widely rumoured since shortly after Oblivion's release in 2006 and apparently Bethesda and ZeniMax have been openly hiring staff for an MMO, which was previously thought to be part of the Fallout series.

Hopefully if this is accurate, then we'll see some kind of announcement (at least!) at this years E3. Expect updates as more information is released!

I, for one, would LOVE an Elder Scrolls MMO. Most, if not all, of my friends who have been obsessively playing Skyrim have all expressed how awesome an online version would be and I've gotta agree! The world they've created is SO expansive, it'd be nothing but beautifully immersive, kick ass and entertaining. Come on Bethesda, do it :D !!

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