Wednesday 29 January 2014

First Images Of Michael Bay's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Shredder!

Over at this morning images leaked from the set of Michael Bay's upcoming live action reboot of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Shredder.

Now the pics aren't great quality and technically the Turtles are scaled models and Shredder looks to be just a few CGI-concept snaps pinned up on a board, but still, if these are real and give us a good idea of what these characters will look like (and the overall look and design of the film) then I'm 100% up with this and very happy indeed. I'm old enough to have been around for the original comics, the cartoon series that started all the way back in 1987 (I was 9!) and the first live action movie in the cinema back in 1990. The Turtles have a special place in my geeky heart and if I'm honest I've never had a problem with a Michael Bay movie, I love them, including all the Transformers films, no matter what other people say, so my faith is there for now!

UPDATE: Unfortunately due to a direct request from Paramount Pictures via e-mail this morning I've had to remove the previous pictures I had up on here (and it looks like every other website and blog has had the same message) so all pics are now down. Instead I'll leave this promo art pic from a recent toy fair which still gives you a decent look at the Turtles, and hopefully this isn't infringing anything!

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