Sunday 26 February 2012

Brand New Ben 10: Omniverse Cartoon Coming Soon?

How is it that some, quite major, news stories slip past me? And it's almost always Ben 10 related?

I discovered that during the recent New York Toyfair that Bandai displayed their action figures for an upcoming Ben 10 cartoon - "Omniverse" which looks completely different from the last 3 animated outings. This new series not only has a new look but also features a whole bunch of new aliens once again (way to milk the toy trade there) and a new group dynamic, which will now feature a by-the-book rookie partner called "Rook" for Ben. News also states that both the 16 year old and 10 year old versions of Ben will appear...

The series is set to air on the US Cartoon Network channel sometime in the last part of 2012.

Here are some of the images found online so far:

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