Wednesday 30 April 2008

Collector News Update

What an exciting year 2008 is turning out to be for us geeks. Not only do we have some stunning blockbuster movies coming our way such as Iron Man, Indy 4, Hulk and Batman: The Dark Knight but we have some quality merchandise to accompany them.
First off is the release tomorrow of Indiana Jones 3.75" Action Figures Wave 1.

These figures have pre-sold so well that the manufacturer, Hasbro, haven't been able to get enough stock into the UK to cope with the demand. Like Hasbro's current 3.75" Star Wars figures these figures have multiple points of articulation and numerous accessories and this first wave is based on the first movie Raiders of the lost Ark.

Released in May the highly anticipated Heroes action figures by Mezco are going to be one of the best selling items of the year.

My company has the exclusive distribution rights for Heroes in the UK so I'm proud to say that if you see these figures anywhere in the shops, I bought the stock that supplied them. Having had the only prototypes in the country for the London Toy Fair in Feb I can tell you these figures are pretty accurate and will be great for collectors. I definately want the Hiro and Claire versions for myself!

"I haaaave the POWER!" Yes He-Man is returning and in a big way. After Neca's 6" mini statue line in 2007 it was announced at the recent New York Toy Fair that Mattel (the original manufacturers for He-Man back in the 80's) will be bringing our favourite Eternians back to life for a new collector focused line.

There will be a "King Grayskull" San Diego Comic Con Exclusive figure released in July and then a whole range of characters showing up after that. I personally can't wait to see these as I was a huge He-Man fan back in the day (still have my original figures too!).

Watch this space for more tid-bits!

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