Sunday 20 March 2016

Disney's Zootropolis review

Disney's new film about a bunny called Judy Hopps, who moves to the city of Zootropolis to become the first bunny police officer, is one of the best!

Firstly, I love animals so when I heard Disney was making a film about animals, I kind of knew I had to go and see it! I was very surprised and enlightened. 

The two main characters; Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde (con artist fox) are in opposition to their ambitions. Judy is full of hope and optimism whilst Nick has abandoned his after a childhood trauma.

Additionally, the plot isn't as simple as Judy moving to the city and discovering it's not what she thought it was. Her perseverance and determination to prove to her boss-Chief Bogo that she deserves to be a cop is where the plot begins to unravel.

Judy has to take on the case of a missing otter and finds that Nick knew of him and blackmails him into helping her or she'll arrest him for tax evasion. She is a bright, kind and inspiring lead character for younger audiences and the plot is actually more of a crime thriller but within the animal kingdom.

This duo discover that the fourteen missing mammals that the other police officers were assigned to find have turned savage. Judy is quizzed by Nick to whether she thinks that it's in the predators DNA to resort back to their wild aggression, which reveals that she has insecurities about predators and maybe is even small-minded about them. 

However, this could be to do with her upbringing as her father had given her sprays and other forms of protection against foxes. I think it shows that even the kindest and brightest characters have flaws and weaknesses but doesn't mean they are any less of an individual.

There are many sub-texts to the story such as the discrimination of the predators and how a group of individuals can become separated from society and viewed as something that doesn't fit into what society has created.

 Also, there are some parallels to who you can really trust within the government as the mayor, who is a lion, and his assistant- a sheep, are revealed to be the saboteurs who have been deliberately infecting predators with a certain flower- Night Howlers, that can cause an animal to become savage.

Judy cleverly learns this when her parents tell her of one of their relatives who ate one of the night howlers and turned savage. Adorably, she races back to find Nick and together they find the evidence they need to solve the case.

There is even an uplifting and intelligent speech towards the conclusion which invokes spirit into what it's like to move somewhere new and the discovery that life is messy and complicated, which is something every generation can relate too.

More so, the supporting characters such as the hilarious sloths and Clawhauser bring injections of humor into the plot.

With this, stunning and detailed animation, a flawless soundtrack, three-dimensional characters and a plot that is layered and thrilling, this is one of Disney's best films and I look forward to a sequel.

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