Thursday 7 March 2013

Marvel/Disney/Star Wars Movie Casting News...

I'll keep this short...

Chris Cooper (The Muppets) has been hired to play Norman Osborn (The Green Goblin for those of you that aren't in the know) in The Amazing Spider-Man 2...

Chris Pratt (Zero Dark Thirty) has been cast as Peter Quill (Starlord) in the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy movie, and supposedly Jason Momoa (Game of Thrones & SG: Atlantis) is set to take the role of Drax too...

Peter Dinklage (Game of Thrones) has been cast in an as-yet unknown role in X-Men: Days of Future Past (most people are thinking he'll be the Sentinel's creator Boliver Trask). Quite a lot of casting news for the movie has been released recently including the original trilogy's actors reprising their roles and the most unlikely return of Halle Berry as Storm... It looks like almost the entire original movie cast will possibly return if Bryan Singer has anything to say about it, which is pretty epic...

 It would seem that Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker), Harrison Ford (Han Solo), and Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) are all in the process of signing on for Star Wars: Episode VII... I gather that bags full of money are being thrown in their general direction as all three seemed to have confirmed to various news outlets that they've been approached, or are 100% willing to return to the franchise that started their careers, but there's been no official Disney/Lucasfilm confirmation yet for anyone. Carrie Fisher's agent has denied any current involvement even though Fisher herself answered a direct question with a "yes" when asked about her return... Either way, just having one or two of the original cast involved in the new films gives supreme credence to a franchise that suffered from its last 3 prequels!

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