Monday, 24 April 2017

Doctor Who 'Smile' Review

In this week's episode, The Doctor and Bill venture into the future, arriving in a city where there is no-one to be found apart from a group of emoji robots. As The Doctor grows increasingly concerned about the whereabouts of the colonists who were meant to make the city their new home, Bill continues to ask questions about The Doctor, helping to cement the pair's friendship.

Writer Frank Cottrell-Boyce explores how humanity uses technology and how that evolves and develops. It's a fascinating subject and used to great effect. There are similarities to how artificial intelligence's works; in order to achieve their goal, they can create new actions in which to achieve them, developing a self-evolving process. 

... on the run – Smile – Doctor Who: Series 10 Episode 2 – BBC One

The script is sharp, intelligent, witty and flows wonderfully. Bill continues to ask the questions many of us have always wanted to ask The Doctor. Why the police box? Shouldn't we call a helpline? 

Indeed, these questions provide much of the engaging conversations between The Doctor and Bill. Their friendship is unique, charming, eccentric and warm. Peter Capaldi and Pearl Mackie perform with creativity, intelligence, imagination and spontaneity. 

Doctor Who: Pearl jellies out - Smile - Series 10 Episode 2 - BBC One

'Smile' is a disturbing yet engrossing story that leaves The Doctor faced with an impossible situation. The consequences feel raw and emotional. Technology can never truly be trusted because the bottom line is: they are not human.  

The plot was harrowing and gave us an exciting new twist with regards to why the microbots were killing the colonists. Grief as a virus gave new insights into the perspective of technology and how it perceived the situation. 

 Doctor Who series 10 episode 2 Smile: when is it on? Who's in the cast ...

There were some smashing moments of comedy especially when The Doctor and Bill had to keep smiling as they were escaping from the emoji robots. Bill's enthusiasm and joy were infectious; making me love her even more. 

Episode 2 has taken a global communications phenomenon and explored its form producing give a dark, funny, smart and gripping story that questions the future of technology and our relationship with it. 

Watch out for the elephant!

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