Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Supergirl Season 2 'Welcome to Earth' Review

After the departure of Superman, Supergirl continues to develop its new aesthetic with themes of prejudice, persecution and explored the conflicting forces between the human and alien society.

Melissa Benoist fabulously showcased Kara's dorkiness when she practically geeks out when she meets the President, asking Alex and Hank if they could call her if she says anything else cool.

Image result for supergirl welcome to earth

The revelation that the unconscious Kryptonian was indeed a citizen of the planet- Daxam, the opposing force to Krypton,  related to the main theme of the episode, which questioned who do you become when you judge the minority of beings who haven't caused the destruction, by those who have?

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It was fantastic to see Alex delving into her own journey when she encounters a detective who is an advocate for the alien community. She questions her role in the DEO, and admits to judging aliens by the majority of their communities destructive nature. 

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At the moment, James feels like he is at a loose end in terms of where his character is heading towards and what his objective is. But there was an intriguing cliffhanger when Hank discovered that he was not the only martian to have survived. 

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There was some brilliant character developments, fantastic comedy from Kara and the themes raised interesting questions about what rights humans have over aliens, and whether aliens have a right to keep their identities secret. 

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