Saturday, 16 May 2015

Agents of Shield Review

Concluding from last episode, I found that the pacing differed slightly because the adventure that Skye had with her father seemed to be a little slow and I didn't really understand why Skye was so insistent when it came to getting her Dad away from her mother.
I thought she would know that her Mum could just follow her and not realize that she might try and contact Shield.
My heart wrenched when Skye and Coulson locked eyes and were so close to becoming a team again and then Gordon cruelly zapped her and Cal away again. 
The relationship between Coulson and Ward was really strange because I feel like Ward still cares for Coulson in some way but then wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet through him. It's the same with Coulson; there is some respect for each other I think as Ward would like to be the man that Coulson is and therefore Coulson pities Ward for his terrible upbringing.
Additionally, I was outraged that May ended up telling the real Mac and Bonnie about Simmons duplicating the boxes; Simmons trusted her and I felt like May should have stuck with that and kept her loyalty to the team.
Cal has become a bit of a wayward fit into the fold as his undecided fate seems to bring a haze and uncertainty to where he even fits in the story anymore.
The fight scenes with Lincoln and Deathlok consumed the action into thrust punches, sizzling electrical fizzles and powerful fisty cuffs that brought some heart pounding moments especially as Lincoln nearly fried Deathlok's body.
I don't know where the story is heading which is a compliment that I am freely throwing out there.
Whatever happens I will gladly be there for the ride!

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