Saturday 28 March 2015

Marvel's agents of Shield season 2 aftershocks review

Well after that excruciating mid season break I was utterly delighted that Shield was back. It was filled with many goose bumpy moments including Skye's strange powers being subtly glimpsed and Raina's new look was really quite disturbing- I see a mix between a cactus and a tiger! 
I'm not quite sure how Skye's father fitted into the story as he was only in the episode for a few minutes and I think it would have been better if he was reintroduced as an unexpected guest when Skye is just about to transcend into whatever being she is going to become.
Therefore, I 'm hoping that it's original and something unique because I don't think all this anticipation can be simmered through with just a being that doesn't really live up to the viewers imaginations.
However, I thought the trap that Coulson set up for the Hydra agent was very impressive as I got a jolt of shock and actually thought that Mai and Coulson were dead which kept me engaged and connected to the characters.
The most memorable scene for me was when Fitz told Skye that she was the cause of everything and she's changing was very heartbreaking because I felt entranced to Fitz's character as he genuinely looked like he was scared of Skye but pitied her at the same time.
This gave their friendship time to grow and move down a new avenue which I don't think I have seen between them before.
More so, the pace was very well structured as I felt like the sequence of the story didn't drag or disconnect from each other at any point which made me want to give the show a warm hug. Welcome back Shield!

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