Saturday 8 June 2013

Matt Smith Leaving Doctor Who! Who's Going To Be Doctor Number 12?

So you've probably heard the news by now - that Matt Smith is leaving Doctor Who for good after the X-mas 2-13 episode, and now the internet is exploding with ideas on who the 12 Doctor will be.

So far I've read that we may be looking at a black Doctor, a female Doctor, a black-female Doctor, or even number 10 coming back...

I've seen names like Idris Elba, Dame Helene Mirren, Rupert Grint, Benedict Cumberbatch, Colin Morgan, David Tennant (2nd go?), Domhnall Gleeson, Daniel Kaluuya, Richard Ayoade, and Dominic Cooper.

At the end of the day I think we'll see another relatively new face playing The Doctor, and maybe they'll go younger. Then again I have no problem with a black man taking the part, or even a woman. It's about time (no pun intended) we have a major change! It'll be sad to see Smith go, as it was when Tennant left, but Smith did very well in the part and I trust Steven Moffatt and the BBC to do right by the fans!

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